Friday, June 29, 2007

I Touched It... I Touched It...

So I've been waiting for this day for months. Like most people of course. After picking up the roommie from work I swung by our local AT&T store to check it out. The most amazing device created to date. In such fanfare as if Madonna were coming to town people went crazy waiting outside for days just to catch a glimpse even if unable to buy one. The iPhone! Only apple can turn a piece of electrical equipment, a phone, an iPod, etc. (you catch my drift) into a celebrity. It's amazing to me.

Now down to business I played with the phone for about 10 minutes. Despite the bad reviews (usually about the slow network) I found the device simply amazing. Never before and in this style and fashion will you see something like this. I've been watching blogs and videos for months but not until you use it do you really get the effect and realize how amazing this device is. Plain and simple it is fucking awesome the coolest thing I have laid my hands on in months, years even. I find that these people giving the iPhone bad reviews are nit picky, naive at best. Get a grip no one else could do what Apple did.

Fabulous job. Now I just need around $600 to buys me one. Taking donations to the right lol just click the pay pal button heeh

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Monday, June 25, 2007

CALL THIS NUMBER 727-252-0511

Everyone call this number and prank them. Say horrible nasty things to them. It's a telemarketer and they are rude and won't listen when you ask them to stop calling. It's some kind of scam I think. It's fun because this guy answers pretending like it's a real business. I just ripped him to shreds. lol

Need to get out some anger?? Just call 727-252-0511

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Thursday, June 14, 2007

And Let the Bidding Begin...

Calling one calling all...

I plan on moving in the near future and I'm trying to lighten my load a little bit (so to speak).

I am selling several items from my home. To the highest bidder of course. And since i am so technically inclined now I figured why not make a big 'ol fancy website. So if anyone is interested go here...

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Monday, June 11, 2007

Holy Shit

So again I'll apologize for not uploading my show yet. I don't have internet it sucks. See I'm "borrowing" internet at this time and it's just not fast enough to upload any shows. Try 3 hours to upload a 20 minute show? UMM NO...

So here is a fun Tid Bit. Who knew this still existed!!

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