Thursday, August 31, 2006

Cawffee Talk for 9/1/06

He Makes My Panties Drop!

Ernesto is a joke, Christina, Public toilet talk, and Patrick's singing.

Leave your voice comments at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there!

Nice to see you're back in iTunes, so I can get the podcasts directly!

Christina A will always be a 'ho, no matter how good her albums might be. :-)

But she will never be as high falutin' as Britney Spears!

That girl just thinks she's all that, when whe's nothing more than a rich hick.

As for looking for friends, watch yourself. My partner and I weren't looking for sex or boyfriends, just friendship. We've been together 6 years now!

Anyway, hope Ernesto didn't do too much damage in your area. We got a lot fo rain (still are) and some wind tore up the roof of our gazebo, but nothing major here in Brooklyn.

Hope your mood gets better so we can get a new 'cast! :-)

Hear from you soon!

Dan (the Man)